(contact roomservices[at]gmail.com)
roomservices is an interventionist research institute for practice-based and experimental design projects, transgressing the borders between DIY urbanity, social re-organization, design co-location, artistic research, applied sociogeography, social and entrepreneurial enablement and art practice. The projects of roomservices reflect wide inquisitiveness for experimenting tools and techniques, providing a different viewpoint, or just celebrating the differences in everyday life by revealing their varied shades under new light.
roomservices (Evren Uzer & Otto von Busch) researches on social and subconstructive design, community participation and risk mitigation, sociograms and viral ontologies, cultural heritage and fashion, earthquakes and collaborative crafts. |
Culinary Cartographies - exploring the geopolitics of food |
UNBRD - United Nations Bird Refugee Dialogue
Civic Participation in Habitat Heritage Restoration |
Chalk Planning - a participatory method to draw the future city |
Community - Board game for community building and social prototyping |
Adventures in Acoustic Ecologies - an audio tour for soundscape observations |
CoVolutions: New Cartographies for Transversal Ecologies.
Artistic interventions, tactics and technologies for mapping ecologies |
Epicenter | Periphery.
Emergy mapping project exploring rural dynamics of creativity and social change in Dale, Norway. |
Hanging Gardens - Adventures in High-rise Horticulture.
Experiments in soilless container gardening for intra-urban environments. |
Moda Mutfak - Adventures in Food and Fashion.
Exploring the molecular politics of food and fashion, curry and crochet, cooktivism and craftivism through discoursive digestion and crackerjack craftivism. |
Adventures in Local Knowledge Production.
Atlas and mapping method for understanding local pro-am activities and citizen science. Implemented in Innsbruck. |
Nomadic Restoration Vehicle, NoReV.
A circulating restoration service enabling inhabitants to repair and retrofit their houses. |
VROOM - Vehicles of Registration and Omniscient Observational Mechanics. Workshop + book on tools for understanding and implementing new mapping methods, |
Adventures in Local History - Dale Audio Tour.
Local audio guide for reveiling hidden layers of history and narratives. |
Alternative EU-flag. |
Adventures in Proxy Radio Production.
"Radio Positiveland - more local than local" - exchanging unique proximity radio programs between oppisite sides of the globe. |
Adventures in Open workshops - made and planned. |
what are roomservices about? |