adventures in local history
Adventures in Local History, #1 Dale Audio Tour, 2005
Dale Audio Tour is the excavation of personal memories related to a specific route and the physical, social structure built on it. This specific route is an urban section; a compromise between the storyteller and the onlooker. Following the museum audio tour concept and hacking it for a more open view for the surrounding layers that have subtle changes occurring with the shifts in mind and unarticulated traditions that pass unnoticed in a larger scale. With 6 local storytellers we made a route story which is not resembling none of them totally but making a naïve reflection of the real space in the eyes of people who are using it.
The Dale Audio Tour is the first in a family of comparative explorations in site-specific memories told by local inhabitants about their habitat. It is the prototype of a methodology for excavating the hidden layers of oral history that passes unnoticed in the ibraries and most public guided tours. Focusing on this layer of local history and living memories there might appear subtle changes and unarticulated traditions that pass unnoticed in the larger scale. Our hope is that by collecting and editing these stories we might add another layer to the understanding of processes of sharing in community life.




Sunniva wedding dress
Jan Solheim’s shop
Magne 49/50s house
Magne Barrel Factory